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Finding My Way…Again


I usually embrace each New Year with a list of resolutions, several good intentions, and a bit of optimism. Well, the end of 2013 kicked my butt.  In fact, it knocked me on my ass and I’m just now starting to see a little bit of light. The hardest part of it all? I failed to use my tools – deep breaths, focus, meditation, a distraction, etc. I let it suck me in and own me for the past couple of weeks. I’m trying to let it go and stop beating myself up over it. Hey, maybe 2013 was supposed to end on rotten note so I could dispel all of that old junk from my system for a real year of change ahead…

But it always needs to start with something. A first step.  Or in my case, several. Our post-holiday cleanse is underway, I’m getting back on track with my meditation, and trying to take better care of myself altogether. I’m also doing/reading this thanks to a tip from a great friend. The Artist’s Way Challenge is a 12-week program for rediscovering your creative side. And it’s not just for artist. Anyone seeking self-knowledge, direction, or movement of some kind would benefit from this. Each week, you focus on a different challenge, which include writing your morning pages/journaling and a weekly artist’s date where you go off and doing something fun all by yourself.

Sometimes you just need that one thing to focus when things are weighing you down. This found me at exactly the right moment so I’m following the call.

Wishing you self-love, mindfulness, health, serenity and as much joy as you can handle this year!